The big news

About 7 weeks ago, I woke up, went to the bathroom, and decided to take a pregnancy test.  My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant, but, to avoid getting my hopes up, I had convinced myself I probably wasn’t.  I took the digital test and sat there for a minute while the timer on the screen blinked…and blinked…and blinked some more.  I was getting impatient, so I put the test down went about my morning routine.  After all, I knew I wasn’t pregnant anyway.  I went back into the bathroom several minutes later, glanced down at the test and read, “Pregnant.”  Wait.  What?  It didn’t seem real.  The test must be wrong.  I wanted so much for it to be right…but surely it was wrong.  I kept staring at the test and it finally started to sink in.  I was pregnant!  I was really pregnant!  I thanked God and then I cried.  Yep, I cried.  ME!  Can you believe it?  Oh…you can?  Yeah, me too.

Our whole marriage, I had been thinking of all these really cute ways to tell my husband I was pregnant when the time came.  I would go out that day and buy a onesie that said “I Love Daddy,” and give it to him as a surprise gift when I got home from work.  Or, I would make a dinner of “baby” things — baby spinach salad, baby back ribs, baby carrots — and see if he caught on.  Or, maybe I would wait until Christmas and wrap a bow around my stomach.  Ha!  Wait an entire day?  Wait until CHRISTMAS!?  What was I thinking?  As it turned out, I couldn’t wait thirty seconds after he walked in the door before shoving the pregnancy test at him and blurting out, “I think I’m pregnant!”  He was, of course, very excited.  We hugged, stared at the positive test, and hugged some more.

Now the details.  I’m 10 weeks pregnant and my due date is July 26th which is 4 days before my own birthday.  We are going to let the sex of the baby be a surprise when I give birth and we are keeping the names a secret, too.  Yeah, we’re those people.  So far, pregnancy has been treating me pretty well.  Aside from a little bit of nausea, fatigue, and my bladder waking me up at all hours of the night, I’m doing great.

I can’t wait to experience all the changes pregnancy has in store for me and to keep you updated along the way!